The murals which the painter Giorgio Casari carried out for the lateral aisles for the church of Santa Maria Regina Pacis at Monteverde in Rome constitute an interesting example of how contemporary art can approach a sacred theme, keeping in mind the subject chosen as well as the other works already present in the same church. While maintaining his personal and original style Casari’s works blend harmoniously with the pictorial cycle of the central nave (which goes back to the 50s of the last century) as well as the great mosaical apse. Casari painted eight evangelical parables, under a blue sky crossed by doves, on the inner walls of the eight lunettes. Three parables are dedicated to the theme of Divine Mercy (right aisle; and the remaining five show God’s Reign (left isle). The cosmic symbol of the rainbow acts as the common denominator which joins the illustrations. It is not simply a symbol of peace but rather a precise Marian attribute, justifying its presence in a cycle destined to celebrate Santa Maria Regina della Pace.

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